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Sorted for Schools

Sorted for Schools (the new name for Feeling Good for Schools) is a wellbeing and resilience programme aimed at pupils aged 11-14 that takes a non-stigmatising approach to positive mental health. A wide range of mental health skills are taught via audio tracks that can also be accessed via our Sorted: mental health app, and the skills are embedded through lessons planned by our charity, The Foundation for Positive Mental Health, and delivered by you to your own classes. Read more about our charity here.

Access the Sorted for Schools Resource Bundle now! The bundle includes:

  • Mental Health training for staff including Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the science and theory behind our programme
  • 10 PowerPoints and printable booklets aimed at pupils aged 11-14 on a wide range of wellbeing topics
  • Audio tracks that teach pupils mental health skills for life, to be listened to by pupils regularly both in and out of school (available through our app)
  • Free access to our wellbeing app for young people
  • Free access to our NHS-approved adult wellbeing app (normally £35)
Four core topics

Teacher Testimonials

“[the narrated powerpoints] made it [adapting to Covid] a million times easier, because then all that happened was, [the teacher] just had to stick it on [...] you sent through all the online materials. I mean the communication and what we’ve had back from you has been amazing [...] it’s been fantastic to allow us to finish the course. So yeah that’s been fantastic!”

- Teacher delivering our programme, 2020/21

Independent evaluation of Feeling Good for Schools

  • Those pupils with the lowest 20% resilience and wellbeing scores at the start of the programme have significant improvement in resilience and wellbeing compared to those with the top 80% of scores, indicating that the programme is helping those who need it the most.
  • 84% of pupils responding to the class survey found benefit in the programme, such as:
    • feeling more calm and relaxed
    • feeling less stressed
    • having better concentration
    • having more confidence.
  • Pupils in the programme were significantly more able to maintain their resilience (feelings of hope) (p=0.056) compared with those in the control group.

Our Schools Work

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  • We’re helping schools enhance pupils’ skills with a pioneering, research-based approach, designed to embed non-cognitive skills, such as resilience, into the classroom and curriculum with a specially adapted positive mental training programme for young people.
  • We want everyone to be equipped with the skills to be able to cope with the challenges in life, face the ups and downs and thrive, which is why we have tailored our NHS-endorsed Positive Mental Training Programme to fit seamlessly into your existing curriculum.

What Teachers Say

“For me, having them doing it (listening to audios) at the start of the lesson was more beneficial because they were calmer and they were more able to learn because they were settled."

“I was really impressed with the kids response actually, it was pretty remarkable”

Who can benefit?

  • Everyone, both staff and students
  • Those who are anxious
  • Students with low self-esteem or confidence
  • Children with special learning needs, such as autism
  • Pupils who are having difficulties at home
  • Children experiencing problems at school, for example bullying

How do younger minds benefit?

  • Increased Mindfulness & Wellbeing
  • Deeper Relaxation
  • Can Navigate Problems
  • Strong Resilience Skills
  • Improved Self Confidence
  • Improved Self Esteem
  • Better Relationships
  • Greater Focus & Concentration
  • Positive Self-Perception
  • Coping Mechanisms

How do schools benefit?

  • Whole-class approach, mental strength skills training for all.
  • Holistic programme that covers
    • teacher training,
    • Sorted: mental health audio apps for whole school: staff, parents/carers, and pupils,
    • structured class activities for two 6 week programmes
    • delivered over the first 2 years of senior school.
  • Specialists materials developed by doctors, psychologists and teachers.
  • Developed by specialists, delivered by teachers.
  • Easy to use digital tools. Flexible to teachers' needs and to helping teachers deliver their service.

Schools who have used the programme

Bolder Academy , Forrester High School, Kingsbury Green, Ladybridge High School,  Liberton High School,  Royal High School and St Augustine's RC High School and many more........

Increase your pupils' wellbeing and confidence

Sorted for Schools can be used with an entire class or as an intervention method for students who may require additional support.

If you’re interested in implementing Sorted for Schools in your school as part of your wellbeing approach, we would love to hear from you.